Regarding the staff rota and or clock in system I saw the NHS has an interesting lay out regarding their bookings system. 

I was also considering our discussion regarding staff incentives and besides commission for all tickets sold. 

What about for every 5 star review received by an employee, management could manually add a star to their account this would encourage some friendly competition amongst the staff. Management could offer monthly incentives that can be restarted.


The ability to track and monitor staff easily is a huge component.

With conformation and a time stamp automatically popping up.

Perhaps if staff contact details are needed to set up their accounts than that would allow management to send mass messages across their email, WhatsApp etc simultaneously, in the event a staff member is late. 

Further down the line

Stay updated with venues events and promotions. Follow your favourite venues (similar to teamABC being able to follow teams)

No need for repeat registration.



Below are just some visual examples of competing apps regarding events and tickets from a staff members log in. 

Besides from the visuals the more we can separate ourselves from the competition the better.

Perhaps a points system so that people buying regular tickets can be rewarded fro their loyalty.

Perhaps customers can suggest music in advance of events or management can send out public poles in advance so to guarantee their music is hitting the right audience.

Similar to teamABC the opportunity to stay in touch with venues and their promotions without having to register every time.

In this instance Fatsoma easy way for venues to join as a rep for venues by simply tapping 'rep' and getting their own link.